Wow! What a summer! What a Festival season! THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered at the fourteen music festivals with either Festival Angels or teams we supported. We were at the biggest national festivals and several smaller regional festivals. Our teams went above and beyond to serve and help make the festivals a fun and safe experience for all. We are now planning 2024 festival season and will be announcing what festivals we are at and how to sign up early in the New Year. Thank you again and see you next year! Read more about: Yarty Party Festival Angels Kendal Calling Festival Angels NME feature Reading Festival Street Pastors and Leeds Festival Angels Leeds Festival Angels on BBC and ITV local news 205 volunteers offer support at Leeds Festival Remembering Kate Dickinson in the Leeds Prayer Cafe We Are Church @ Creamfields Festival Angels had a team at Our House Your House, a day of back to back DJs in Manchester! This was a day to promote house music as a way of combating the impact of negative mental health - more details are at . Relive those festival moments - scroll back through posts, reports, pics and TikTok videos on Festival Angels socials - festivalangels on Facebook, X and TikTok and festivalangels1 on Insta and Threads. Pictured - when mum messages to say her daughter has broken a bone in her foot the night before and is now on crutches - can you possibly help with getting her home? Detached team at the ready, wheelchair at the ready (no idea where that came from!) trolley at the ready... Daughter located, her and 5 friends taken to the Prayer Cafe, then onto the minibus, two dad's given instructions as to where to come to and an hour later girls on the way home hassle free!!! #LeedsFest #TeamWork
See you next year!!!! Comments are closed.