Festival Angels will be at TK Maxx presents Bedford and Derby Summer Sessions where part of our role is Lost Property.
If you are at the event and have lost something please click here to search items that are handed in (select Bedford or Derby in the drop down menu) or go to the Festival Angels Safe Space / Lost Property tent.
Everything that is held by Lost Property is shown on the LiffHappens system. We may receive more items the following day once the site is cleaned. Items can be posted to you - we ask for a donation to cover the cost of postage - Account Name: Redeeming Our Communities, Sort Code: 20 01 96, Account Number: 13242250 Please Include Reference: ROCANGELSLOST. If you want to email us - [email protected].
Everything that is held by Lost Property is shown on the LiffHappens system. We may receive more items the following day once the site is cleaned. Items can be posted to you - we ask for a donation to cover the cost of postage - Account Name: Redeeming Our Communities, Sort Code: 20 01 96, Account Number: 13242250 Please Include Reference: ROCANGELSLOST. If you want to email us - [email protected].
Festival Angels are volunteer teams who work at several music festivals across the UK over the summer months. Festival Angels is a Christian organisation who believe that Jesus Loves Festivals! Festival Angels are working with Bedford Street Angels around TK Maxx presents Bedford Summer Sessions and Derby CityVision around TK Maxx presents Derby Summer Sessions. Festival Angels is a part of the charity Redeeming Our Communities.